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28 Days to Transform Stressed Life to Blessed Life
First Section
Introduction (7:33)
Day 1 - Being Grateful-Count your Blessings (13:00)
Day 2 - Stop Negative Self Talks
Day 2- Stop Negative Self Talks (3:59)
Day -3 Get High on Positivity Today
Day 3 - Get High on Positivity Today (3:58)
Day 4 - Affirming Words
Day 4 - Affirming Words (4:29)
Day -5 Affirmations
Day 5 - Affirmations (6:23)
Day 6 - Visualization with Deep Breathing
Day 6 - Visualization with Deep Breathing (5:36)
Day 7 - Use only Positive words for the Day
Day 7 - Use only Positive words for the day (2:25)
Day 8 - Make a Collage of your Achievements
Day 8 - Make a Collage of your Achievements (3:15)
Day 9 - Reverse the Outcome of Negative situation
Day 9 - Reverse the Outcome of Negative Situation (6:01)
Day 10 - Live in the Moment
Day 10 - Live in the Moment (3:44)
Day 11 - Vision Boards to Stay Happy
Day 11 - Vision Boards to Stay Happy (3:27)
Day 12 - Escape the Toxic Group at work
Day 12 - Escape the Toxic Group at work (4:37)
Day 13 - Burn to Ashes
Day 13 - Burn to Ashes (4:50)
Day 14 - Disconnect from a few on Social Media
Day 14 - Disconnect from a few on Social Media (2:40)
Day 15 - Erase Memories from the past
Day 15 - Erase Memories from the Past (4:01)
Day 16 - Sacrificing to the Sun
Day 16 - Sacrificing to the Sun (3:30)
Day 17 - Declutter your workspace/Room
Day 17 - Declutter your workspace/Room: (3:41)
Day 18 - Forgiveness
Day 18 - Forgiveness (4:22)
Day 19 - Walk a 1000 steps to being Grateful
Day 19 - Walk a 1000 steps to being Grateful (2:09)
Day 20 - Chant
Day 20 - Chant (2:50)
Day 21 - Charity
Day 21 - Charity (4:09)
Day 22 - Bless Everyone and Bless Everything
Day 22 - Bless Everyone and Bless Everything (3:35)
Day 23 - Thank You Day
Day 23 - Thank You Day (2:51)
Day 24 - Go easy on yourself
Day 24 - Go Easy on Yourself (3:11)
Day 25 - Connect with the source
Day 25 - Connect with the source (3:43)
Day 26 - Shavasana or Corpse pose
Day 26 - Shavasana or Corpse pose (4:42)
Day 27 - Be your own confidant
New Lecture (3:26)
Day 28 - Educate one person on Gratitude
Day 28 - Educate one person on Gratitude (2:49)
Thank You
Day 3 - Get High on Positivity Today
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